I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter! Our Easter was full of family and fun!
My brother and his family came to our house from West Virginia on Friday. This was the first time that they had the opportunity to meet Lily. She really liked Uncle Bobby.

Almost immediately the kids wanted to open their Easter baskets from each other.

I told Isabella she looked very "Jackie-O" in her dress. She asked me, "What's a Jackie-O?"

Raymond liked taking Uncle Bobby's hat off.
After everyone was settled in, the kids made Easter cookies.

The next day everyone decorated them.

I think they turned out fantastic!
Pappy came on Saturday for Easter dinner. (We ate Saturday since Bobby and Lori had to go home on Sunday.) He brought along Winston, his English Bulldog. He and Sadie get along well. They both sat in the living room while we ate.
It looks like doggy prison.
This was also Pappy's first time meeting Lily.
Raymond absolutely loves Winston. Chris said we should buy Raymond an English Bulldog puppy. I also love Winston, but I don't think so.

After dinner we went outside and played.

Then we moved on to baseball.

Pappy was showing Isabella how to hold the baseball bat and I had to remind him that she isn't left-handed.

Home Run!

She needs to work on her form a little bit : )
Sunday morning, the Easter bunny came!!!

Isabella was practicing walking in her new fancy dress-up shoes
Then Grammy came for a visit!

Isabella was showing everyone how her dress twirled.
(Thank you Aunt Patsy for buying Isabella such a pretty Easter dress)

Alexander and Uncle Chris played baseball on the Wii for a little while.
Then we went outside for an Easter egg hunt.

Lily looked cute in her ruffles but then we had a wardrobe change...

My precious girls!

We tried to get a few group shots.

30 seconds later...

Shortly after, Uncle Bobby, Aunt Lori and Alexander headed home. Isabella, Raymond and Lily then got to open their Easter presents from Grammy.
(Thanks for the M&M's Aunt Anna!)

Raymond helped Lily open her presents. What a good big brother!
Here are a few pictures of our happy and smiley girl -

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this little face!!!!!!!!!

After a fun but long weekend, we all relaxed.
Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,