We've been staying busy with lots of doctor's appointments and therapy sessions. Raymond's surgery is approaching quickly. Hopefully we will find out when they are going to remove his gallbladder soon. Chris and I were hoping the surgeon could do it at the same time they do the other procedures, but it doesn't look like that' possible. So hopefully a few days before or possibly a few days after.
We had Raymond to the hospital last week because we thought he gallbladder possibly ruptured. Thankfully, it didn't. We do have to keep a close eye on him though. If he has a persistent fever that Tylenol won't help, he might suffer from Choledocholithias. This is a big worry right now. In a nutshell, it's gallstones in the bile ducts. (We know Raymond has at least 8 gallstones.) This can be very painful. The stones can block the neck of the gallbladder causing distention and inflammation (cholecystitis). In the common bile duct it can cause a backing up of the bile into the liver resulting in obstructive jaundice or into the pancreas causing acute pancreaitis. One of the worrying factor's for Chris and I is that Raymond has such a high tolerance for pain. By the time he shows symptoms of pain, it's excruciating for him. Thankfully he's at home and we are able to love and snuggle him until we get this all ironed out.
Since my last post, Chris got a new recliner for Father's Day.
Sophie thinks it's for her.
I took Lily for her 4 month check up on Thursday. (She's 4 1/2 months old already!) She is doing fantastic! She weighs 15.2lbs now. I can't believe how much she's like Isabella. Isabella was also a big girl (even though I didn't think so at the time) and hit 20lbs. pretty quickly. Then she stayed 20lbs. for a LONG time. I think that's exactly what Lily is going to do. She is rolling all over the place, both ways, and holds her head up for long periods of time. Dr. P. said most babies don't do that until 7 months. So, again, she's on the same path as Isabella!
This face too...even though it's missing the oxygen!
(We've been having a very hard time keeping it on his face)

Raymond loves reading and flipping through books. I think Chris read him Clifford about 8 times the other night while I made dinner : )
On Saturday we went to Chris' Aunt Anna's house for a picnic/birthday party.

Aunt Anna's Pond

Opening Gifts

The kids were waiting for fireworks.
Jimmy, Isabella, Ashley and Ryan
Afterwards we went to the Promenade Shops. Isabella wanted to go into Sweet N' Sassy. We explained to her that we could go in but since we didn't have an appointment she wouldn't be able to get her hair cut. She was disappointed but still wanted to go in and look around. When we went in, the only people there were the three girls working. We thought maybe they were closing early because of the holiday. They explained to us that the store had been dead the entire day. Apparently the same thing happened 4th of July weekend last year. So Isabella got her hair washed and cut after all. She was thrilled!

Afterwards she walked the runway. Normally there are birthday parties going on in the back so she's never been on the stage before. She was delighted, again!

Daddy even walked the runway with her. No, just in case you were wondering, he didn't have his hair cut : )

We spent the rest of the weekend organizing our garage. Not very exciting but very needed. This is what happens to poor Raymond when he is left unattended for any period of time with Isabella.

Grammy and Aunt Anna stopped by. Grammy dropped off the Bumbo seat she bought for Lily off of her Amazon Wishlist. She loves it!

Lily really enjoys sitting up so I wasn't surprised that she liked it so much.

She also loves these musical flowers. She gets so excited and wiggly when she sees them. Too darn cute!!!

Raymond tested it out too.

We set off some fireworks out front to celebrate Independence Day. Then we went outback and made s'mores.

Isabella was still dressed up. She's so silly!

Raymond received his helmet. It's too big. The smallest size was an XS and he is still a little to small for that. At least he'll grow into it. It sure was a pain to get the insurance company to pay for it so we want to keep it as long as possible before we have to ask for another one! (Hopefully we won't need another one.) He sure does look cute in it!

My girls! They are both so sweet. We've been enjoying a lot of time together as a family. That's our favorite thing to do - be together. The 5 of us. 6, if you include Sadie : )
She's a good girl too.

Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,