“The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” -Scott Hamilton

"The only disability in life is a bad attitude." - Scott Hamilton

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Something Scary

We had quite a scare last night. Chris was in the bathroom working on putting the new faucet in and I decided to go put my pajama's on. Isabella was sitting at her table and Raymond was rolling away on the floor. I put on my pajamas and popped my head in the bathroom to see how Chris was doing when I heard Raymond coughing. I stepped out into the living room and Raymond's eyes were watering, he was still coughing and water was pouring out of his mouth. I scooped him up (by this time Chris was behind me) and the water was still pouring out of his mouth and he was chocking. It took me a second to realize that the water coming out of his mouth was getting there through his nasal cannula. I pulled it out of his nose and the coughing up water continued for a little while. I really, really, really hope that he didn't aspirate any of the water. Upon further inspection, we realized what had happened. Raymond's concentrator (the machine that produces oxygen) has a bottle attached to it filled with distilled water. While Raymond was rolling around and getting all tangled in his tubing, he must have pulled it out of it's holder, then tipped it over. The water that was in the bottle poured out into the tubing leading to Raymond's nose. So instead of pushing oxygen it was pushing the water up through the tube into Raymond's nose. That's something we never expected to happen! Poor little guy! Now Chris is trying to figure out how to better attach the bottle to the machine so that doesn't happen again. Here are a few pictures from earlier that evening.

A Tangled Mess!

I said something like, "Hey Sweetheart!" to get Raymond's attention and of coarse Sadie jumped up and ran over to me. Not what I had in mind but such typical dog behavior!

Until Next Time,

Lots of Love,



Ellie said...

Oh my goodness, that must have been terrifying for you!! It was for me just reading about it. I hope he is okay now. I called Chris after I read about it and he said Raymond seemed fine later. I shudder at what could have happened if you hadn't heard him coughing. Love you all. Ellie

Erica said...

I was thankful I wasn't downstairs switching over the laundry!

Aunt Anna said...

Halloween is over...no more scary stuff!!

Unknown said...

WHEW! That was lucky that you are so in tune to whatever doesn't sound right. One thing that really touched me about these pictures was the presence of the dog...so many people would have a special needs kid with special equipment and worry what the dog will do, and they would get rid of the dog without even giving it a chance. She looks like such a nice sweet girl who loves her kids.
(Aunt) Mary