We've been staying pretty busy as usual. I had to take my car to the dealership to be looked at and the three kids had to go along with me and wait.
Lily was happy to go.

Raymond was very sleepy.

Isabella liked this car. She told me she was going to ask Daddy to buy her a pink one for her birthday along with a purple canoe.

Raymond has been spending a lot of time with Lily. I think he has realized that she can't get away from him as fast as Isabella : )
Raymond is so sweet and so gentle with Lily. He scoots extremely close to her and rubs her head or "boop"'s (his word) her belly. The other day she reached for him and he was thrilled. Raymond is still a little possessive over his toys when Lily has one but then what 2 1/2 year old isn't. Raymond prefers to walk rather then crawl so I have to watch that he doesn't accidentally throw himself onto her. He hasn't quite perfected walking so sometimes he has a crash landing.

Just like Isabella and Raymond, Lily loves animals, especially dogs. She loves playing with this Boxer stuffed animal.
Raymond on the other hand, just loves making messes!
Raymond crawled in his room and was buy himself for about three minutes...this is the damage he caused! Yikes! (In the above picture, he actually pushed the diaper box over to use as a stool to get to his toys that were up high. Oh boy!)

Raymond's path of destruction. He's such a boy!
I went the other day to buy Lily a Christening gown. She's being baptised on September 4th. At the store, I tried this cute little Halloween hat on her. I took her picture in it because it was $30. It sure was cute but I wasn't about to spend that much.

After a long day of playing with her brother and sister, Lily fell asleep holding her foot. She is SO cute!!!
Raymond had a therapy session with Stacey, his Special Instruction Teacher on Tuesday. He loves her! Raymond likes all his therapist but for some reason, he especially enjoys time with her. So normally, as long as Raymond is feeling okay, they have very good sessions together. Tuesday was no exception. Raymond said several things for her repeatedly but my favorite was 1,2,3, Go! His sweet little voice is so adorable. Even more so when "real" words come out. He was saying it for Daddy when he got home too. Raymond normally doesn't like to say things on demand. I hear him say a lot when he plays by himself or with Isabella. He's getting to be such a big boy!
And let's not forget my big girl! She's the best : )
Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,