“The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” -Scott Hamilton
Friday, December 30, 2011
Holly Hives!

Thursday, December 29, 2011
Merry Christmas!
Raymond even got in on the fun! The only problem was after we said, "One, Two, Three, Roll!" he wanted to run down the lane after the ball. He got the hang of it and made it through five frames. Then he got tired and sat in the stroller and played with his radio.
Lily watched and thought Isabella was funny when she did her "happy-bowling" dances.
Daddy got a strike too!
Raymond loves his new Elmo.
(Sadie looks like an alien in this picture)
Santa brought Isabella two American Girl Cookbooks. I bought them at Borders almost two years ago. Isabella has always enjoyed helping me cook and bake, so I knew she would like these. I was saving them until she was a little older and would appreciate them more (plus they were on clearance for $3 each).
Next, Raymond woke up. It was his turn to see what Santa brought.
Sadie tried to stay out of the way.
Winston did not : )
Pappy was on trash duty. Lots of wrapping paper!
Lily really liked her Minnie Mouse pillow.
It actually worked out nice having the kids open their presents as they woke up. It wasn't so chaotic since everyone wasn't ripping everything apart at the same time. After gifts we ate breakfast and Pappy left. I started dinner and the kids enjoyed playing with their new gifts. Later in the evening, we tested out one of Daddy gifts from Isabella. A cotton-candy maker.
Lily watched with Grammy and wanted to know why she wasn't helping.
On Monday we went to Aunt Theresa and Uncle Roy's house. One of Isabella's favorite places! Chris' cousin Mike was home and we haven't seen him in awhile. The kids were excited!
There are lots of neat things to get into at their house!
Lots of neat things to look at!