“The only disability in life is a bad attitude.” -Scott Hamilton

"The only disability in life is a bad attitude." - Scott Hamilton

Friday, May 4, 2012

Weekly Therapy Progress

I think going forward I will be trying to post a therapy update for the week.  Probably on Fridays.  Raymond currently receives 5 therapy sessions per week, soon to be 6.  This will give you an opportunity to see how he is progressing and what type of work his therapist are doing with him.
 For those who may not know, Raymond is still receiving therapy from Early Intervention, the 0-3 program.  On the child's third birthday, they automatically get transitioned to the Intermediate Unit.  I however, did not agree with their game plan for Raymond, so I declined the service - for the time being.  By law, he will continue with the 0-3 program until the I.U. and I come to some type of agreement.  Raymond is in no way, shape or form ready for a classroom setting.  I'm very hopeful we will get there soon.  Raymond is so smart.  We just have to find a way to unlock his full potential.  It's trial and error.  We will be successful!!!  Everyone is determined to help Raymond thrive!!!

These updates are taken right from the session notes.

"Raymond was very distracted by his need to push on his neck.  He practiced playing in high kneel with support at hips and right and left side sit.  Raymond tends to sit in tailor sit position so we practiced sitting in long sit.  Ended the session with a walk outside.  Raymond did great!  He is able to navigate step on/off the curb, up and down steps with the handrail and over the threshold of the outdoor playhouse."
-Lisa, Physical Therapist 

"Raymond was very cooperative today.  We worked on pretend play with Playmobil.  Incorporated words (gestures).  Fine motor skills - lacing - better hand over hand.  Matching colors - used dot art!"
-Stacey, Special Instruction

"Raymond sat down when I arrived to play.  He signed help.  Language bombardment for animal hospital, keys and turn turn, and animal names.  Raymond imitated the "oh" sound for open and said "out".  Potato Head - used pictures to show Raymond item needed.  He handed 2 to get parts then was distracted."
-Kristen, Speech Therapy  

Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,

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