"Raymond was more cooperative today and did not mind me manipulating his legs. He did a nice job playing in left and right supported side sit when placed for approximately 1 minute at a time. He played briefly in supported half kneel and high kneel which he would not do last session. Raymond is doing great with his wheelbarrow walking. He only briefly tolerates playing in long sit on the floor when placed."
-Lisa, Physical Therapist
"Raymond gave me a hard time at the start of the session not wanting me to touch or position his legs. We went outside to play and worked on safety on the back stairs and staying within the boundaries of the backyard with cues of "stop" and "go that way". He needed a lot of help at first but then responded to the cues 2 times independently."
-Lisa, Physical Therapist
"Played outside with Lisa, PT, today. Language bombardment of play words, through, down, up. Worked on following directions to stop with physical prompts. Raymond used "Go" when prompted with "Ready, Set..." and said "okay" and "jump" during play.
Race Track - He used sign for "car" and said "go" and "down".
Raymond signed "cat" and said "meow" when I said "cat".
Used pictures to request potato head parts - He only did 2, then refused further."
-Kristen, Speech Therapist
Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,
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