Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,
Please never overlook your child's good health. With that being said, it might seem like a long list but our situation could be SO much worse. We are lucky. Raymond has his up and down days but at least he's here. At least he's not confined to a wheel chair. At least he isn't totally deaf. There are thousands of these "at least"s. So many people focus on the negative. I even think some people enjoy focusing on the negative and having a pity party for themselves. That's not in my nature. That only makes things worse...for everyone. It's life...get over it. That's just the way things are going to be! Put your best foot forward and keep going. That's what I do. I'm always grateful when friends and family share articles and information that they come across on and about Down Syndrome (I normally find it first though!). It doesn't always apply to Raymond but it's nice to know they are always thinking of us and want to help expand our knowledge and understanding of Raymond's diagnosis. What great support!!!
I also don't compare Raymond to any other child (even other children with Down Syndrome). He's almost two (yikes!) and he can't sit unsupported by himself yet. Okay. So what? He will in his own time. He wants to and he sure does try. I know he will hit all the miles stones like other children, with or without Down Syndrome, eventually. I'm proud of the progress Raymond makes everyday. I love him just the way he is. He has brought so many wonderful people in our lives that I would have never met otherwise. It might sound a little corny but he is the gift that keeps on giving. He gives me hope, unconditional love, a positive outlook and an entire book of other things. Now that's being blessed!
Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,
This music video is very cute. What a sweet big brother! I hope you enjoy it!
Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,
Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,
Although he doesn't like to see his sister uncomfortable, Raymond was pleasantly surprised we weren't there for him!
Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,
Raymond was VERY happy when he saw Aunt Lori left her cell phone laying on the floor.
On Saturday we celebrated our nephew's 5th birthday. Alexander's party was at a local farm/pumpkin patch. Despite the wind, all the kids seemed to have a really nice time.
Alexander and Aunt Lori
Birthday Money!
Uncle Bob
Raymond had a lot of fun on the slide.
After presents and yummy cake we all went on a hay ride.
The farm also had a corn maze. This was Isabella's first time through a large corn maze. Mine too actually.
Please take note of Hayden. He's sitting next to Raymond. Can he get any cuter in his elephant costume??
Thanks for a fun weekend Uncle Bobby, Aunt Lori and Alexander!
Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,
Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,
Isabella was waiting semi-patiently for a "big" piece of cake.
This is what was left of the cake once Sean's sister, Kathy, massacred it! : )
Pete and Mrs. Geist
Vanessa and Teresa
Isabella, Vanessa and Ollie
Melissa - very excited to be holding Isabella's bug box. At least it only had a moth in it and not another type of creepy-crawly bug which Isabella is normally attracted to!
Here is Melissa much more comfortable with her nephew Jack. He is SO cute and I'm glad to have finally met him in person. He and Raymond were playing footsie.
And here is Jack with his Grandma. Jack has a mild case of Cerebral Palsy and he did great at the picnic. It's nice to hear that he is doing so well!
Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,
It kept getting worse and worse. The poor little guy looked like a raccoon. I called the hospital and couldn't get a hold of anyone! I left several messages and still haven't heard anything. This is one of many incidences that have made Chris and I very upset with the hospital. I am in the process of writing a letter the the hospital administration about our dissatisfaction. I'm going to take a few days to write it so I don't leave anything out. I don't want to send it and then remember something that I should have included. Hopefully our transition to Hershey Medical Center goes smoothly. I think we will keep seeing Dr. Halligan at St. Chris but that's it.
On a brighter note, Isabella went into preschool a cute little girl and came out a cute little puppy!
Until Next Time!
Lots of Love,